Fences: Hacks, Modifications, New Trends and Cutting-Edge StylesFences: Hacks, Modifications, New Trends and Cutting-Edge Styles

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Fences: Hacks, Modifications, New Trends and Cutting-Edge Styles

Hi, my name is Johnny. For years, I worked as a handyman, and although I did a bit of everything, I ended up helping a lot of people put up fences. Over the years, I have seen what works. I have learned how to hack your need for fencing if you don't have the time or cash to put up a new fence, and how to modify and repair fences to improve their function. I have also seen a lot of trends come and go, and I'm keenly interested in what's new in the world of fencing. Unfortunately, a back injury has made it difficult for me to work so now, I explore ideas by writing about them. I hope you enjoy my fencing blog and that you learn a lot. Thanks for stopping by!

Benefits of Aluminium Slat Fences for a Home

You may be considering new fencing for your home and looking at the attributes of various options. One style which has many benefits — as listed below — is aluminium slat fencing.

Affords Privacy

One benefit of these structures is that they allow you to transform a front garden into a private oasis. Like picket or low brick fences, some other styles define the property boundary, but they don't give privacy. Without screening from the street, though, it's hard to use the front yard for entertaining and relaxing — its potential goes to waste.

Aluminium slat fences consist of boards which can be set close together or wide apart, forming gaps in between. You can create a filtering effect or total privacy, whichever you prefer, by adjusting the configuration of slats and spaces. As well, slat fences evoke a light and open ambience in a front yard, while high, cement-render barriers and other tall, heavy structures enclose the yard in a fortress-like fashion.

Provides Security

Another advantage of slat fencing around your property is the security it provides. You can feel content with children or pets playing in such a safe front yard so long as you enclose it with slat gates. Kids will be blocked from running onto the road, plus they'll have privacy from onlookers. Slat fences  — typically tall ones — also deter trespassers. They create a more formidable barrier than lower borders that are easy to step over.

Offers Design Options

The horizontal repeating slats on these barriers create a lovely textured effect that enhances the curb view. The slats can be powder coated in various colours, including cream, pink, grey, black, green, and blue to harmonise with your home's architecture. 

As well, you can mix the slats with other substances within the one structure. For example, you could bridge the gaps between cement-render pillars with slats. If the concrete pillars are fawn, you could fit a similar colour of slats for a uniform look. Or, to produce contrast and visual interest, install dark charcoal slats against the creamy cement. Your colour and design choices are open-ended with this fencing style.

Gives Durability

Whatever fence you install needs to withstand exposure to the sun, hail, and rain. Incredibly durable, aluminium naturally repels rust, as it doesn't contain rust-invoking iron. Plus, the powder-coating method fuses a hard polyester paint over the metal, which further shields it from harsh elements.